We offer a wide range of services. If you can't find what you're looking for, ask us if we can help you!
Our client came to Edison with a project idea. He wanted to make an electric vehicle charger.
After carrying out an exhaustive market study, we decided to carry out the project.
We made some prototypes of the electronics while the industrial design department did its job of thinking of an attractive and functional charger.
When we had tested it, we assembled the first 8 prototypes and approved them. 12 months later, our client already has more than 1,000 units on the market, working satisfactorily.
But it doesn't end there. We continue working on team improvements in efficiency, integration, etc. The competitiveness in the market is very high and we need a constant improvement.
If you already have a prototyped product, we help you make it an industrialized reality. With our extensive experience we can apply the best optimization techniques.
Processes, integrations, adaptations. We take care of everything your product needs to go to market.
From the product concept to reaching the market. We do a complete analysis of the competitors to provide a solution that differentiates the product. We are specialized in reducing time-to-market.
We have an area of more than 600m2 where the plates are manufactured in the most optimal way. We have two SMD assembly lines, an oven with up to 7 zones and automatic 3D inspection.
Our team has high-quality training to ensure production by reducing time and costs. We adapt to the client's needs to reach a reliability of 99%.
We help other engineering companies to reach their goal. Where they can get stuck, we shed light on doubts with our experience. We have a high execution of projects in which others find problems, we provide solutions tailored to the product and client
Our THT assembly department has specialized personnel for the production of any type of equipment. We have two THT production lines where assembly efficiency is the key to minimizing costs. The welding process is carried out using a selective machine that provides speed and reliability. It allows to deliver the products with quality.
Today the mechanical part is equally or more important for the success of the products. We are capable of coordinating with the mechanical department to improve the production process of assembling the equipment and deliver the equipment working to deliver directly to the end customer.
We have a real-time monitoring system to control production at all times and adjust times to achieve the demanding objectives of our clients.
When we have finished the productions, we analyze how it has gone to improve and optimize costs and processes and reach a perfect execution of the entire process.
Absolutely all the equipment manufactured is tested. We can verify the products with automated machines, functional tests, or boundary scan. This test certifies the work well done in the production part and the client is certain that everything is assembled as indicated by the established guidelines.